Author: emitch.bsky.social (did:plc:u27vqdnctpuj6sn2yxi5vacl)


"Back in 2018 I set myself the challenge of designing and sculpting a new D&D magic item every week. Here are a few examples from the first 26-card series I ended up creating."
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    "A 3D sculpt in greyscale with purple accents that depicts an eyeball with magical symbols carved around it. The text caption reads: "Eye of Insight. Wondrous Item, Very Rare, Requires Attunement. This eye must be worn in an empty eye socket. When in place, you can see through it as through a normal eye, and with Darkvision to a range of 60 feet.
    In addition, it has 7 charges, and regains 1d6+1 charges daily at dawn. You can use an action to expend a given number of charges and cast one of the following spells: Detect Magic (1 Charge), Identify (1 Charge), See Invisibility (2 Charges), Arcane Eye (4 Charges)""
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    "A 3D sculpt in greyscale with pale green accents depicting a bracelet, one half of which looks like are twigs, and the other half like lush leaves. The caption reads: "Bracelet of Changing Seasons. Wondrous Item, Rare, Requires Attunement. When this bracelet is worn on your weapon-bearing arm, weapons wielded in that hand deal an additional 1d6 necrotic damage on a successful hit. 
    When it is worn on your shield-bearing arm, shields wielded in that hand give you resistance to necrotic damage." There is also a quotation at the bottom from William Blake's A Poison Tree: "I was angry with my friend; I told my wrath, my wrath did end. I was angry with my foe: I told it not, my wrath did grow.""
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    "A 3D sculpt in greyscale with pink accents depicting an amulet. It is composed of two concentric circles, with several strips of material passing through and around them to hold them together. In the centre is an oblong crystal. The caption reads: "Amulet of Safeguarding. Wondrous Item, Very Rare, Requires Attunement. Once each month during the full moon, you can spend an hour meditating over this amulet. When you do, it captures a complete record of you as you are at that moment - including your physical body, the items you are carrying, your experience, and your memories. 
    If you die, the amulet will break in a brilliant flash of light, and you will be restored to the version of yourself that the amulet had last recorded. Any items you were carrying when you died that the amulet had no record of disappear, and any magical effects on you cease.""
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    "A 3D sculpt in greyscale with burgundy accents depicting a ring. There is a cluster of seven gemstones set onto the ring, and above that is the image of a sleeping dragon guarding over them. The caption reads: "Ring of Hoarding. Ring, Rare, Requires Attunement. This ring has 7 charges, and it regains 1d6 + 1 charges daily at dawn. You can use an action to expend 1 charge and create a visible aura around any money, jewels, or precious metals within 40 feet of you. The effect cannot pass through 5 feet of stone, 1 foot of common metal, 1 inch of lead, or 15 feet of wood or dirt.
     Cursed: Any time you attempt to spend money or otherwise part with any valuables, you must succeed a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw, or refuse to willingly give up the item or items in question. 24 hours must pass before you can try to spend money on the same thing, or part with the same item again.""
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